Wednesday 25 April 2012



Mendaki adalah merupakan sejenis aktiviti lasak yang memerlukan peneraju aktiviti ini untuk berjalan, diatas binaan alam semulajadi, atau lebih tepat lagi mengikut aliran trail dakian. Aktiviti ini sangat sinonim dilakukan dikawasan berbukit-bukau, bergunung-ganang, berlembah atau bergenting tinggi yang berbatu, berpasir, atau bertanah alun. Aktiviti mendaki dilakukan secara aktiviti luaran, namun ada juga dilakukan secara dalaman misalnya mendaki di dalam gua besar yang beruangan besar, curam, berbatu-batuan dan berstruktur tinggi. Mendaki cukup popular di dunia Kategori:Organisasi mendaki. Nilai kebaikan kesihatan dari aktiviti mendaki adalah berbagai bergantung kepada jenis dakian yang dijalankan, ada pendaki yang boleh menerima kesan positif ketika dan sesudah melakukan aktiviti dakian, namun ada juga mendapat kesan negetif.

Mendaki gunung pada dasarnya adalah olahraga berjalan kerana penguasaan teknik berjalan yang benar wajib diketahui terlebih dahulu berjalan di gunung tentu saja tak sama dengan berjalan di tanah rata. Di gunung anda harus berjalan dengan beban di punggung, melintasi lembah, mendaki tebing, menuruni lereng-lereng, atau meniti punggungan-punggungan yang tipis dengan medan seperti itu ditambah dengan beban yang harus dibawa maka keseimbangan dalam berjalan di gunung adalah mutlak seperti juga pejalan kaki yang lain, anda harus berjalan dalam satu irama yang tetap, dengan kata lain, tidak kaku seperti robot. tidak ubah bagai seorang penari, berjalan di gunung pun punya seni tersendiri. Jika seorang penari mempunyai kenikmatan tersendiri dalam melakukan gerakan-gerakannya, maka seorang pendaki yang berjalan dalam irama tertentu juga harus dapat merasakannya sebagai suatu kesenangan tersendiri pula.

Tips Pendakian

Terdapat beberapa perkara yang harus diambil kira dalam berjalan tentu saja melangkah, inilah hal pertama yang harus diperhatikan. Berjalanlah dengan langkah-langkah kecil, jangan memaksakan kaki untuk mlangkah terlalu lebar. Langkah-langkah yang terlalu lebar menyebabkan berat badan seringkali ditunjang oleh satu kaki saja karenanya keseimbangan badanpun mudah goyah. Langkah-langkah yang kecil, berat badan dapat ditampung secara baik oleh kedua kaki. Perlu di ingat bahwa kaki bukan hanya untuk menahan berat badan, tetapi telah ditambah dengan berat barang yang ada dalam bag. Dengan langkah-langkah kecil, gerakan nafas teratur, dan ini merupakan cara yang tepat untuk menghemat tenaga.

Bagi pendaki yang berpengalaman, berjalan dua atau tiga jam tanpa henti merupakan hal yang biasa. Ini memerlukan kekuatan dan stamina yang cuma dapat diperoleh melalui latihan dan pengalaman yang tidak sedikit. Akan tetapi, sebagai ukuran minimum boleh dikatakan bahwa berjalan satu jam dengan rehat sepuluh minit adalah normal.Ketika berehat, duduklah dengan kaki yang melunjur lurus sedikit di atas badan untuk mengembalikan darah supya mengalir normal, karena ketika badan berjaln seluruh darah telah berpusat di kaki. Teguklah minuman secukupnya dan makanlah beberapa makanan sedikit, elakkan agar tidak berehat di tempat yg berangin karena udara sejuk dapat mengejangkan otot yang sedang berehat, dapat menyebabkan terjadi kram pada otot.

Pilihlah lokasi berehat yang baik. Secara psikologinya lebih menguntungkan apabila anda memilih lokasi di bahagian yang tinggi, ini kerana akan nampak pemandangan yang indah, nikmatilah untuk mengurangkan penat setelah lama berjalan. Makan dan minum secukupnya untuk mengembalikan tenaga, kalau perlu di masak dulu agar panas dan segar. Ada baiknya makan sedikit garam untuk menghindarkn kram karena banyak keringat yang mengucur memungkinkan hilangnya garam dari tubuh. Membawa buah segar seperti apel, pir, anggur juga sangat membantu untuk mengembalikan tenaga karena  buah tersebut mengandungi banyak air dan vitamin maka membawa buah segar juga sangat membantu.

Ketika anda berjalan perhatikan betul kawasan yang dihadapi. Jika melalui kawasan yang penuh kerikil dan batu-batu tajam, hendaklah berhati-hati kerana kaki mudah tergelincir jika tersilap. Berbeza apabila anda harus melintasi kawasan yang berbatu besar dan bulat seperti batuan pada sungai misalnya, anda harus melintasinya dengan melompat dari satu batu ke batu yang lain, yaitu dengan gerak sedemikian rupa cepatnya sehingga batu yang diinjak belum lagi sempat bergulir tetapi anda sudah melompat ke batu yang lain. Cara ini tentu saja merbahaya kalau keadaan anda sudah letih, cara lain yang lebih baik adalah dengan menaiki satu persatu batu tersebut, perlahan-lahan dengan memeriksa terlebih dahulu batu yang akan di injak, agar tak mudah terlicin nantinya.

Kawasan yang berumput  seringkali membahayakan, lebih bahaya ketika basah karana hujan atau embun. Pendaki yang tidak berhati-hati akan mudah tergelincir, terutama jika menggunakan kasut yang tidak sesuai. Demikian pula dengan kawasan berlumpur, licin dan berbahaya. Jangan percaya pada pohon-pohon kecil di pinggir tebing. Pohon-pohon ini seringkali tidak cukup kuat untuk menahan beban manusia. Batang-batang pohon itu banyak yang lapuk, lalu patah ketika anda menekalnya dan menahan badan di situ. Kalau tidak yakin betul, hanya guakan pohon-pohon itu sebagai keseimbangan saja.

Mendaki di lereng gunung dengan tanah berpasir lebih sukar daripada di atas tanah keras. Setiap kali menjejak, tanah berpasir boleh tergelincir ke bawah. Hendaklah memijak kawasan tanah yang diyakini baik dan keras agar orang kedua dan seterusnya dapat mengikuti bekas jejak orang pertama supaya tidak mudah penat, karena tanah berpasir bekas jejak menjadi lebih keras. Angin tenang yang sering meniup akan menggoyahkan keseimbangan badan. Jangan melakukan gerakan-gerakan yang tiba-tiba dan membahayakan. Misalnya melempar batu atau mengayunkan tangan keras-keras. Berjalanlah dengan tenang dan penuh konsentrasi, tetapi tetap dalam keadaan yang teratur dan tidak kaku.

Peralatan Pendakian
  • Pakaian yang sesuai
  • Glove (Sekiranya Perlu)
  • Kasut Mendaki (Sesuai)
  • Bag
  • Alatkan keselamatan. (Ubat-ubatan)
  • Melakukan aktiviti ini pada waktu siang dan terang.
  • Memakai pakaian yang sesuai.
  • Membawa wisel untuk digunakan semasa kecemasan.
  • Tidak bergurau-gurau semasa aktiviti dilakukan.
  • Mengikuti jejak langkah orang hadapan bagi mengelakkan tergelincir atau terjatuh.
  • Tidak berpaut pada pokok yang rapuh.
  • Berjalan hendaklah bersama-sama, tidak laju dan tidak perlahan.
  • Berhenti rehat sekiranya ada diantara pendaki yang penat.
  • Kurangkan bercakap atau menyanyi semasa aktiviti kerana dapat mempercepatkan rasa penat.
  • Sentiasa mengikuti arahan ketua atau pandu arah.
Kasawan Malakukan Pendakian di Malaysia 


The History of Rollerblade

Children growing up in the 2010s enjoy rollerblade skating, sometimes called inline skating, but earlier skaters used more traditional equipment with four juxtaposed wheels attached to the shoe with metal and leather straps. Many people claimed to be the inventor of the skates, but with little supporting documentation. While tracing the inventor of the rollerblades follows the same pattern as researching the history of the roller skate, the history of rollerblading offers clear information as to how the sport became an international phenomenon.

Skateboarder is those cool dudes who sweep through town with styles and in great speed. They are young; they have their own dress sense and have these fantastic wheels under their feet. Skateboarding is the art to go around in skates, and today it is considered an actual sport, with a lot of championships and competitions. The apparel that ‘skaters’ put on has influenced the street fashion and is characterized by low jeans and oversized sweatshirts. This look is made complete with a pair of sneakers with large soles. 

The original concept of skating came from a mild crate with rollers attached on its base for those who did not know how to cycle. Skateboarding is now very popular sport among teenagers in both Malaysia and Singapore. They often gather in skate parks to practise new moves. The best skates are said to be those that are ‘assembled’, rather than those that are bought pieced together. It is advisable to have in hand a helmet, arm and knee guards when you go skating.

Rollerblading can also be known as inline skating, and the sport itself is born on the beaches of California. The first  ‘rollerblades descended from the ’roller-skate’, and slowly speeded to the beaches of Los Angeles. To go on the rollerblades is not very dangerous, but it does require some care when executing, especially for a beginner. It’s often good to do a preliminary testing of the blades first, to make sure that you don’t sustain any unnecessary injury. However, as soon as you gain your foothold, you will feed secure enough.

There are different types of rollerblades that are suitable for either walking or for competition. Good rollerblades can protect your ankles and prevent you from falling down. This sport can also help you to keep fit as it works out your thigh muscle tones, your arms as well as improving your sense of balance. Like the roller skates, it is necessary to use guard protection during rollerblading.
Early Rollerblading

The earliest roller skates were inline or rollerblades, according to Hickok Sports. The earliest skating records and drawings, which date back to 1716, and show skate wheels positioned in a straight line until 1863, when the configuration changed to two pairs on either side of the sole. The advantage to the new quad-wheel formation for the skater was a steady foundation for balance. The Chicago Roller Skate Company returned to the original inline wheel pattern in 1966 with a boot skate with wheels permanently attached to the sole. Unlike earlier models in which the wheels were positioned under the stake, the Chicago skate design included wheels at the front and rear extending out from the boot form.

Inline Skating History - Roller Skating - Rollerblades

Whether you're using them to play hockey, get to the corner store or just blow past that old granny that's walking about two miles an hour - inline skating, otherwise known as rollerblading, is one of the most convenient ways to move yourself around. So where did this whole skating on shoes thing start anyway?
Well, it all started more than 250 years ago in Belgium. A man named Merlin (no relation to the magician) took a pair of skates and attached some wheels to the bottom of them. Great idea, right? Well, this genius, Merlin, failed to build a braking system for his new invention. On his first attempt with the wheels, he flew out of control through his hallway and slammed into an expensive mirror. He was severely injured and had seven years of bad luck on top of that. 

Despite Merlin's little episode, roller skating technology made some advances. By 1840, roller skating was a big hit in Germany. A bar in Berlin even had pretty, young girls wearing roller skates while they served customers. When roller skating came to the United States in the early 1900s, roller rinks popped up all over the country. By this time roller skates had a front brake and four or six wheels. 

In 1980, the modern day inline skate began to take shape. Two brothers from Minnesota redesigned the roller skate so they could train for hockey in the summer time. They added a brake on the back and changed the wheels so they could skate on it as they did on ice. Out of that came the modern day inline skate. Inline skate brands like Oxygen, Rollerblade and K2 are as commonly known as many clothing lines. Roller hockey is now one of the fastest growing sports in North America. There's now extreme inline skating with competitions on half pipes and ramps - kinda like skateboarding. So next time you're burning around the neighborhood on wheels, be sure to remember the sacrifices Merlin made hundreds of years ago.

Rollerblade Model Development

The trend in most roller-skate models followed the quad-wheel pattern until 1980 when brothers Scott and Brennan Olson of Minneapolis, Minnesota, found a pair of the 1966 retro-skates with the straight-line pattern. The Olson brothers, who played street hockey, immediately saw the advantage of control and turning ability in the old skates' inline wheel pattern. The brothers designed their own version of the 1960s skates using hockey boots, large polyurethane wheels and a rubber heel brake originally manufactured for use in quad skates.

Sidewalk Blading 

The Olsons' design grew popular as the brothers hand-crafted skates for their friends. The pair, operating in 1982 as Ole's Innovative Sports, continued to make Rollerblade in-line skates by hand from their parent's basement until they sold out to Minneapolis financiers Robert Sturgis and Robert Naegele in 1985. By 1988, the rollerblade company had earned approximately $10 million, and by 1995 Nordica had taken over full control of the manufacture and marketing of Rollerblades. The skates developed a wide following and the company sold more than three million pairs of inline skates by 1989. The patent rights to inline skates in 2011 were held by Benetton Sportssystem USA.

Blading Organizations and Competition

The International Inline Skating Association, founded in 1991, educates skaters in the safe use of in-line skates and trains and certifies skate instructors. USA Roller Sports, Inc. sets the rules for inline skating competitions and events. The international popularity of the boot skate was recognized in 1999 when inline skating became a Pan-American Game event. The Gravity Games feature several inline skating events, including downhill racing, street competition and vert events in which the in-line skater performs stunts on a half-pipe course similar to that used for snowboarding and competitive skateboard events. The Aggressive Skaters Association, known as ASA, sponsors competitive in-line events and world sport tours for Aggro, the name used for the most aggressive form of in-line skating.


Wednesday 18 April 2012

White Water Rafting


Rafting or white water rafting is a challenging recreational outdoor activity using an inflatable raft to navigate a river or other bodies of water. This is usually done on white water or different degrees of rough water, in order to thrill and excite the raft passengers. The development of this activity as a leisure sport has become popular since the mid-1970s. It is considered an extreme sport, as it can be dangerous.

White water rafts

The modern raft is an inflatable boat, consisting of very durable, multi-layered rubberized (hypalon) or vinyl fabrics (PVC) with several independent air chambers. The length varies between 3.5 m (11 ft) and 6 m (20 ft), the width between 1.8 m (6 ft) and 2.5 m (8 ft). The exception to this size rule is usually the packraft, which is designed as a portable single-person raft and may be as small as 1.5 metres (4.9 ft) long and weigh as little as 4 pounds (1.8 kg).

Rafts come in a few different forms. In Europe and Australasia, the most common is the symmetrical raft steered with a paddle at the stern. Other types are the asymmetrical, rudder-controlled raft and the symmetrical raft with central helm (oars) or Stern Mounts with the oar frame located at the rear of the raft. Rafts are usually propelled with ordinary paddles and or oars and typically hold 4 to 12 persons. In Russia, rafts are often hand made and are often a catamaran style with two inflatable tubes attached to a frame. Pairs of paddlers navigate on these rafts. Catamaran style rafts have become popular in the western United States as well, but are typically rowed instead of paddled.

Grades of white water

Below are the six grades of difficulty in white water rafting. They range from simple to very dangerous and potential death or serious injuries.
Grade 1: Very small rough areas, might require slight maneuvering. (Skill Level: Very Basic)

Grade 2: Some rough water, maybe some rocks, might require some maneuvering. (Skill level: basic paddling skill)

Grade 3: Whitewater, small waves, maybe a small drop, but no considerable danger. May require significant maneuvering. (Skill level: experienced paddling skills)

Grade 4: Whitewater, medium waves, maybe rocks, maybe a considerable drop, sharp maneuvers may be needed. (Skill level: whitewater experience)

Grade 5: Whitewater, large waves, large volume, possibility of large rocks and hazards, possibility of a large drop, requires precise maneuvering. (Skill level: advanced whitewater experience)

Grade 6: Class 6 rapids are considered to be so dangerous as to be effectively unnavigable on a reliably safe basis. Rafters can expect to encounter substantial whitewater, huge waves, huge rocks and hazards, and/or substantial drops that will impart severe impacts beyond the structural capacities and impact ratings of almost all rafting equipment. Traversing a Class 6 rapid has a dramatically increased likelihood of ending in serious injury or death compared to lesser classes. (Skill level: successful completion of a Class 6 rapid without serious injury or death is widely considered to be a matter of great luck or extreme skill)


Rafts in white water are very different vehicles than canoes or kayaks and have their own specific techniques to maneuver through whitewater obstacles.
  • Punching – Rafts carry great momentum, and on rivers hydraulics that are dodged by canoes and kayaks are often punched by rafts. This involves the rafting crew paddling the raft to give it enough speed to push through the hydraulic without getting stopped.
  • High siding – If a raft is caught in a hydraulic it will often quickly go sideways. In order to stop the raft flipping on its inside edge, the rafters can climb to the side of the raft furthest downstream, which will also be the side of the raft highest in the air leading to its name. In this position the rafters may be able to use the draw stroke to pull the raft out of the hydraulic.
  • Dump truck – Rafts are inherently stable crafts because of their size and low center of mass and often they will shed gear and passengers before they actually capsize. In the industry if a raft dumps some or all of its passengers but remains upright, it is said to have dump trucked.
  • Left over right or right over left – Rafts almost always flip side over side. If the left tube rises over the right tube, the raft is said to have flipped left over right and vice versa.
  • Taco – If a raft is soft, or underinflated, it may taco, or reverse taco. Rafts are said to have tacoed if the middle of the raft buckles and the front of the raft touches or nearly touches the back of the raft. This often is a result of surfing in a hydraulic. A reverse taco is when the nose, or stern of the raft is pulled down under water and buckles to touch the middle or back, or nose of the raft.
  • End over end – Occasionally rafts will flip end over end. This is usually after the raft has dump trucked to lighten the load, allowing the water to overcome the weight of the boat flipping it vertically before it lands upside down. Rafts will usually taco and turn sideways, making an end-over-end flip a very rare flip in most rafts.
  • Down Stream Flip- A raft capsizes after encountering an obstacle i.e. rock, feature like a hydraulic or even another raft. These objects are usually stationary or possibly surfing in a hydraulic. On this occasion the raft becomes unstable and usually flips over downstream or in the direction of travel. A downstream flip may be exacerbated by the load or people in the raft. People may physically assist in the inertia of the flip by pulling the boat over on top of themselves.
  • Flip line – The flip line technique is the most used in commercial rafting where flips are common. The guide will take a loop of webbing that has a carabiner on it and attach it to the perimeter line on the raft, Standing on top of the upside down raft they will hold the line and lean to the opposite side from where the flip line is attached, re-righting the raft. 
  • Knee flipping – Capsized rafts that are small enough with little or no gear attached can be knee flipped. This involves the rafter holding the webbing on the underside of the raft, and pushing their knees into the outer tube, and then lifting their body out of the water, leaning back to overturn the raft.
  • T rescue – Much like the kayak technique some rafts are large enough that they need to be overturned with the assistance of another raft or land. Positioning the upturned raft or land at the side of the raft the rafters can then re-right the raft by lifting up on the perimeter line.
  • T-grip re-flip - The T-grip on a rafting paddle may be used to re-flip light rafts by inserting the Tee into the self bailing holes around the floor perimeter and re-righting the boat in the same manner as the flip line technique.
  • Alluvial - Pertaining to material carried or laid down by running water. Alluvium is the material deposited by streams. It includes gravel, sand, silt, and clay.
  • Back Pivot - Turning the raft from a ferry angle to a stem-downstream position.Used in tight places to recover from an extreme ferry angle, this maneuver narrows the passing space of the boat and allows it to slide closely past obstructions.
  • Back roller - A broad reversal such as that formed below a dam or ledge.
  • Beam - The width of a raft at its widest point.
  • Biner - Short for Carabiner which means "clip" in Italian. In rafting, biners are used in rope and pulley rescue systems to secure things to a raft and as items of adornment in river rafting.
  • Rock splats – If the rafters load the back of the raft, they can paddle the raft into a rock on the river, having it hit the bottom of the boat instead of the nose; if done correctly this can raise the raft up vertically on its stern.
  • Surfing – Commercial rafts often use waves on rivers to surf.
  • Nose dunks – Large rafts can enter hydraulics called holes from downstream and submerge their nose, or reverse taco. This can be a safe way to get rafters wet in a hydraulic.
  • Pirouette – A move executed by either a sweep or draw stroke, sending the raft spinning with the current. Often useful for avoiding obstacles.

White water rafting can be a dangerous sport, especially if basic safety precautions are not observed. Both commercial and private trips have seen their share of injuries and fatalities, though private travel has typically been associated with greater risk. Depending on the area, safety regulations covering raft operators may exist in legislation. These range from certification of outfitters, rafts, and raft leaders, to more stringent regulations about equipment and procedures. It is generally advisable to discuss safety measures with a rafting operator before signing on for a trip. The equipment used and the qualifications of the company and raft guides are essential information to be considered.

Like most outdoor sports, rafting in general has become safer over the years. Expertise in the sport has increased, and equipment has become more specialized and increased in quality. As a result the difficulty rating of most river runs has changed. A classic example would be the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon  or Jalcomulco River in Mexico, which has swallowed whole expeditions in the past, leaving only fragments of boats. In contrast, it is now run safely by commercial outfitters hundreds of times each year with relatively untrained passengers.

Risks in white water rafting stem from both environmental dangers and from improper behavior. Certain features on rivers are inherently unsafe and have remained consistently so despite the passage of time. These would include "keeper hydraulics", "strainers" (e.g. fallen trees), dams (especially low-head dams, which tend to produce river-wide keeper hydraulics), undercut rocks, and of course dangerously high waterfalls. Rafting with experienced guides is the safest way to avoid such features. Even in safe areas, however, moving water can always present risks—such as when a swimmer attempts to stand up on a rocky riverbed in strong current, risking foot entrapment. Irresponsible behavior related to rafting while intoxicated has also contributed to many accidents.

One of the most simple ways to avoid injury while out of a raft, is to swim to an Eddy (a calm spot behind a rock in the water which the current disperses around) to avoid being taken downstream. To combat the illusion that rafting is akin to an amusement park ride, and to underscore the personal responsibility each rafter faces on a trip, rafting outfitters generally require customers to sign waiver forms indicating understanding and acceptance of potential serious risks. Rafting trips often begin with safety presentations to educate customers about problems that may arise.

White water rafting is often played for the adrenaline rush and this often becomes a problem for people and their own safety. White water rafting accidents have occurred but are not common.
Due to this the overall risk level on a rafting trip with experienced guides using proper precautions is low. Thousands of people safely enjoy raft trips every year.


Pengenalan  Skateboarding
Skateboarding is the act of rolling on or interacting with a skateboard. Someone who skateboards is a skater (or skateboarder or most fully skateboard rider), though the shortest term may also refer to someone ice skating or roller skating. Like roller skating, skateboarding is often done for recreation and as a sport, but, more often than ice skating, it can be used as a method of transportation (it is faster than walking.)

Skateboarding has its origins in surfing, and was originally called "sidewalk surfing". Now, with wake-boarding replacing much water skiing and snowboarding replacing much skiing, skateboarding is increasingly unique. Surfers are doing more skateboarding tricks now, and the result is evolution in both sports. In the 1970's skateboarding was still a sidewalk "sport" with surfboard shaped boards designed more for the California vibe than for function. Narrow trucks kept the wheels close together and made the board a bit unstable. As boards and truck widened, there was also a growth of terrain skating. Originally drainage ditches and empty swimming pools were used, but then skaters began to build their own terrains, the Ramp. In the beginning, the ramp was a quarter pipe that you would skate up to and up to the edge at the top. A big improvement came with the Half Pipe. Though there are skateboard parks with extremely complex 3-D terrains, the half pipe is still the core of advanced skateboarding.

A skateboarding trick is a maneuver performed on a skateboard while skateboarding. Most tricks are based on the Ollie (once called the Ollie Pop), which was invented by Alan "ollie" Gefland of FLorida in the late 1970s. Skateboarding tricks can involve varials, jumps, flips, grabs, slides, grinds and stalls, and may even be combined with twists of various multiples of 180 degrees. Tricks which require some kind of ramp, sometimes a halfpipe, are known as transition tricks; the rest can be performed on flat ground or off of curbs and on rails and are known as street tricks. Competitive skateboarding is primarily judged on the difficulty and success of such tricks.

Skateboarding Skills

The ollie is a technique of jumping on a skateboard in a way that pops the board off the street by kicking the tail section (or the nose section in the case of a nollie). This action lifts the opposite end of the board, at which point the front foot (in the case of an ollie) will slide forward causing the rear end to level out. Once this is achieved the rider lands all four wheels on the ground and rolls away with their knees bent. Invented by Alan "ollie" Gelfand in the seventies on Vert, it didn't really take skateboarders off the ground until Rodney Mullen figured out how to pop the tail in 1981. The highest official record is 44.5 inches by Danny Wainwright in 1999, although Jose Marabotto from Peru is seen on a video from the early 90's clearing a stack of boards estimated at over 50 inches.

Nollie is a specific variation of the ollie where the skateboarder rolls forward in normal stance and pops the board off by kicking the nose section of the skateboard with his front foot. Nollie can not be made in fakie or switch stance because then it becomes either a switch ollie or a fakie ollie.

Switch ollie 

The same principle as an ollie, but it is performed switch stance.
Fakie ollie 
An ollie performed while rolling backwards.
Skateboarding Anatomy

Mountain Bike

Sejarah Ringkas
California Utara pada sekitar tahun 70-an, dimana masyarakat telah menggunakan basikal untuk pergi ke kawasan yang berhampiran. Tahun 1890 dimana basikal telah digunakan sebagai pengangkutan dalam kalangan askar-askar Infantry Buffalo.

Permulaan Basikal Gunung

Kumpulan berbasikal yang menunggang basikal gunung dari Marin Country, California dimana mereka telah berusaha untuk membangunkan versi berkenaan dengan mountain bike pada tahun 1970. Mempunyai perlumbaan yang dikenali sebagai “Repack Downhill”.

Nama-nama seperti Joe Breeze, Otis Guy, Gary Fisher dan Tom Ritchey - memperkenalkan kepada kita tentang mountain bike seperti yang ada pada hari ini.


Sukan basikal gunung adalah merupakan satu aktiviti sukan yang amat mencabar kerana memerlukan ketahanan dan kekuatan fizikal yang tinggi. Sukan basikal gunung dilakukan di kawasan yang tinggi seperti kawasan bukit, gunung, kawasan berbatu-batu dan kawasan tanah rata. (Bergantung pada kawasan berbasikal). Ini secara tidak langsung dapat meningkatkan tahap kesihatan fizikal dan mental.

Sebelum Memulakan Aktiviti

1. Mempunyai sebuah basikal gunung yang sesuai
2. Peralatan-peralatan untuk membaiki basikal gunung
3. Keselamatan adalah faktor penting dalam aktiviti ini
4. Topi keledar – aspek penting sebelum memulakan aktiviti
5. Pilihan yang lebih mudah dalam memilih basikal gunung ini, anda bolehlah mendapatkan jenis yang tahan lasak yang sesuai digunakan jika hendak melakukan aktiviti menaiki atau menuruni gunung.
6. Penggunaan sarung tangan semasa melakukan aktivti

Aksesori Tambahan Basikal Gunung
1. Peti Peralatan
2. Sistem Pencahayaan
3. Kunci Keselamatan
4. Repair stand
5.Tempat Menyimpan Botol Grips

Apek-aspek keselamatan:

•Menggunakan pakaian keselamatan (Kasut, baju, guard, topi kaledar, dll). 
•Jangan memboceng semasa melakukan aktiviti ini. 
•Memastikan basikal anda sentiasa berada dalam keadaan yang baik (Brek, nat dan skru berada dalam keadaan baik, rim, roda, rantai). 
•Menggunakan pakaian yang cerah dan elakkan melakukan aktiviti ini pada waktu malam. 
•Jika berada dijalan raya: (Pastikan jalan mengikut arus, pelajari dan mematuhi peraturan dijalan raya). 
•Sentiasa menjaga kelajuan pada tahap yang sesuai agar dapat mengharugi setiap perubahan keadaan laluan.

Kawasan Melakukan Aktiviti Basikal Gunung di Malaysia


Ini merupakan salah satu aktiviti yang amat menyeronokkan disamping dapat meningkatkan tahap kecergasan mental dan fizikal. Dapat melihat keindahan flora dan fauna. Terdapat juga agensi-agensi pelancongan yang menawarkan aktviti ini kepada pelancong kerana untuk memenuhi kehendak peminat sukan lasak ini.

Link sukan mountain bike:

Friday 23 March 2012


Blog kami memaparkan informasi-informasi mengenai sukan-sukan lasak yang terdapat di Malaysia yang boleh menarik minat dan menyediakan informasi kepada pengemar-pengemar sukan lasak serta kepada masyarakat tentang sukan-sukan lasak yang bukan sahaja dikenali sebagai sukan yang mencabar fizikal dan mental mereka, tetapi juga melengkapkan mereka dengan informasi dari aspek keselamatan dan tempat-tempat yang menarik agar menyakinkan mereka untuk mencuba sukan-sukan tersebut mahupun memberi maklumat kepada pembaca blog kami tentang sukan-sukan lasak yang ada khususnya di Malaysia.
Selain itu, di dalam blog ini kami akan memuatkan paparan beberapa sukan lasak yang digemari ramai dan memperkenalkan sukan lasak yang ada khususnya di Malaysia. Misalnya, antara sukan-sukan seperti mountain bike, hiking, sky divng, skate board dan rollerblade yang semakin diminati ramai untuk disertai. Selain itu, blog kami juga akan membuat pautan yang boleh dikunjungi oleh pengunjung blog kami agar mereka juga dapai membuat capaian daripada blog atau website yang akan disediakan oleh blog kami. Hal ini agar mereka dapat mengetahui  tempat-tempat atau kemudahan yang disediakan bagi melakukan sukan-sukan lasak tersebut.